Experiencing Swamy Desika -- Acknowledgements
Shrimate Shri Lakshmi Nrusimha Parabrahmane Namaha:
Shrimate Shri Seetha Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha:
Shrimate Shri Ramanujaya Namaha:
Shrimate Nigamantha Maha Desikaya Namaha:
Shrimate Shrivan Satagopa Shri Narayana Yateendra Mahadesikaya Namaha:
"SrimAn VenaktanAthArya: kavithArkika kEsarI!
VedAnthAchArya varyO mE sannidhatthAM sadhA hrudhi"!!
Swami Desika in his Daya satakam states that Shri Valmiki,
Shri Vyasar and others tried to speak on Lord's greatness
through their Itihasa and Puranas. Since Lord's greatness
is a huge ocean, inspite of coming near the ocean they
were afraid of getting into it and so stood on the shore
itself. Their great voluminous books could not even cover
a minor part of Lord's Greatness, leave alone writing
completely! Lord is such a huge ocean of greatness that
even Maharishi's stand only on the shore because of their
fear to enter into it!
Swami says that he is entering this ocean without any
apprehensions. Swami tries to get immersed repeatedly into this
ocean and attempts to touch the floor. Swami states that he is
not even able to talk on a small portion of Lord's greatness,
he just uses some words, says something and stammers...
Swami feels that he could have also stood on the shore like the
sages. But without knowing He has entered into a job which is not
appropriate for his status and so he is struggling.
Swami finally concludes that he may not have achieved anything
by this. But states that Lord ThiruvEnkata nAthan and Periya PirAtti
laugh at the sight of Swami's playful behaviour of attempting to
speak on their greatness which is next to impossible! Swami is happy
to see them laugh!!!
This is nothing but a reflection of Swami's naichyAnusandhanam!
Swami in the above explanation states our Lord's greatness as a
huge ocean. Swami's greatness is so much that bAgavatas consider
even adiyal's ramble to be enjoyable because it is on Swami!!!
In reality, Swami Desika's greatness is greater than the
Greatness of Our Lord!!!
Knowing this fully well, Adiyal tried to immerse myself into this
ocean. This am sure would have made Our Lord, Periya PirAtti and
Swami Desikan laugh at me for attempting the impossible...
but they are sure to be happy to see their child's ramble's ...
My sincere gratitude is to be conveyed at this moment to the books
Adiyal had referred for the write ups. The credit for completing
108 postings should go only to the author's of the books who are
great Vidvans. Just by translating, and editing it is not correct
on adiyal's part to take any credit. Even this editing and translating
adiyal was able to do only because of our Acharya's blessings.
(1) Sri Vedanta Desika - a special number Published by
Sri Vedanta Desika Research centre.
(2) SrI Desika stotramala commentaries by Oppiliappan sannidhi
Shri U.Ve Vangipuram Navaneetham Ramadesikacharya. LIFCO Publication
(3) The Life and Works of Sri Nigamanta Maha Desikan by
Prof.A. Srinivasaraghavan Published by Shri K.R. Ramaseshan
(4) "Rahasyartha Vivaranam" by Shri RamadEsikachAriyar Swami published
by Poundarikapuram Srimad Andavan Ashramam, Srirangam.
(5) Godastuti of Sri Vedanta Desika - English commentary by
Sri. K.P. Rangaswami and special comments by Sri M.K.Srinivasan.
(6) Sri Paadukaasahasram of Sri Vedanta Desika translations by
Shri V.N. Vedanta Desikan.
(7) Achyuta Satakam of Vedanta Desika, with meaning and commentary in
English by Sri D.Ramaswamy Ayyangar Published by The Visistadwaita
Pracharini Sabha.
(8) Gitarthasangraha - gitasara in tamil and English by Sri Uttamur
T. Viraraghavacharya and Sri K. Bhashyam Published by The Visistadwaita
Pracharini Sabha.
(9) Bhagavad Dhyana Sopanam of Vedanta Desika - commentary by
Sri D. Ramaswamy Ayyangar Published by Sri C.V. Srirangam Thathacharya
"Gokulam" Srirangam.
(10) Kamasikastakam of Sri Vedanta Desika English commentary by
Sri M.K.Srinivasan and special comments by Sri. K.P. Rangaswami.
(11) Dehaleelsa stuti of Vedanta Desika commentary by Sri D.Ramaswamy
Ayyangar Published by The Visistadwaita Pracharini Sabha.
(12) Subhashita nivi of Vedanta Desika English translation by
Sri M.K. Srinivasan Published by Sri Vedanta Desika Research centre.
(13) Paramartastuti by Sri Vedanta Desika English translation and
commentary by Sri M.K. Srinivasan Published by Sri Vedanta Desika
Research centre.
(14) Sristuti by Sri Vedanta Desika English translation and commentary by
Sri M.K. Srinivasan Published by Sri Vedanta Desika Research centre.
(15) Abheeti Stavam by Sri Vedanta Desika with meaning and commentary in
English by Sri D.Ramaswamy Ayyangar Published by The Visistadwaita
Pracharini Sabha.
(16) Nyasa Tilakam by Sri Vedanta Desika with meaning and commentary in
English by Sri D.Ramaswamy Ayyangar Published by The Visistadwaita
Pracharini Sabha.
(17) Nyasa Vimsati by Sri Vedanta Desika with meaning and commentary in
English by Sri D.Ramaswamy Ayyangar Published by The Visistadwaita
Pracharini Sabha.
(18) Saranagati Deepika of Sri Vedanta Desika with meaning and commentary
in English by Sri D.Ramaswamy Ayyangar Published by The Visistadwaita
Pracharini Sabha.
(19) Sudarsanastakam and Garuda Dandakam by Sri Vedanta Desika, English
translation and notes by Sri K.P. Rangaswamy Published by Sri Vedanta
Desika Research centre.
(20) Astabhujastakam and Vegasetu stotram Sri Vedanta Desika, English
translation and notes by Sri K.P. Rangaswamy Published by
Sri Vedanta Desika Research centre.
References were also made to
(1) Srimad Vedanta Desika's Yadavabhyudaya Published by Nrisimha Priya
(2 ) Visishtadvaitam and Vedanta Desika's Sri Nyasa Dasakam by Thaiyar
Vankeepuram Sri Raghavadasan Published by Sri Vedanta Desika Research
(3) Shri. V N Gopala Desikan's books [a dialogue on Hinduism and
Srimad Bhagavad Gita].
(4) Advaita and Visistadvaita by Sri S.M.S.Chari
(5) The Ubhaya Vedanta Granthamala's publication on "Tattva Rahasyartha
Sangraha" an English translation of "Upayukta Sangraham" by Srimad
RangaRamanuja Maha Desikan (Sri Kaliyalam Swami)
Adiyal had also incorporated some points learned from upanyasams by
HH Srimad Azhagiya Singar, Shri U.Ve Karunakaram Swami and others.
Adiyal has also posted her learning's from HH Srimad Azhagiya Singar's
cassette on - Desikarum avar sookthigalum and Sri Yathiraja Saptati
rendered by his holiness Srimath Andavan Shri Gopaladesika Mahadesikan
of poundarikapuram Srimad Andavan Ashramam, Srirangam - released by
Srirangam Desika sannidhi kalaksheba kaingarya sabha Srirangam.
The help rendered by bAgavatas like Shri. Madhavakannan &
Shri. Anand Karalapakkam needs special mention.
Adiyal thanks all the bAgavatas for their encouragement and blessings.
Thanks to Shri Achutaraman for hosting "Experiencing Swami Desika"
in his home page. You can visit the site at:
http://swamydesika.tripod.com where you can enjoy various other
works of Swami also.
Sarvam Sri Krishnarpanamastu
"Kavi Taarkika Simhaaya Kalyaana guna SaalinE!
SrimatE VenkateshAya VedAnta Gurave nama !!"
dEsikan tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam
Praveena nAmni Ramanuja dasi
22nd Sep 1999
Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka
Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama